Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia racontent leurs expériences sexuelles qui suscitent la controverse

Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia racontent leurs expériences sexuelles qui suscitent la controverse

Les confidences intimes de Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia déclenchent une polémique

Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia, anciens participants à l’émission de télé-réalité “Les Marseillais” et maintenant influenceurs, sont au cœur d’une controverse suite à la publication d’une vidéo où ils partagent des détails intimes sur leur vie sexuelle.

Une vidéo YouTube qui ne passe pas inaperçue

Ce couple, marié et parents de deux enfants, est connu pour partager leur quotidien sur les réseaux sociaux tels qu’Instagram et Snapchat. Récemment, ils se sont lancés sur YouTube, où leur dernière vidéo a suscité une vive réaction.

Publiée le 28 avril, la vidéo en question répond aux questions de leur communauté sur leur vie sexuelle. Sans tabou, they discuss various topics such as their first time together, libido, and sex after pregnancy. However, one particular question from an internet user sparked controversy.

“Est-ce que tu t’es déjà forcée pour passer à l’acte ?”

When asked if she had ever forced herself to have sex, Jessica Thivenin replied, “Yes, of course, obviously!” She went on to say, “It’s the start where I force myself, but he always manages to stimulate me and make me feel good.” Thibault Garcia added, “I take it badly when she pushes me away.”

The video has received nearly 300,000 views, and reactions have been swift and numerous on social media.

Accusations d’apologie du viol conjugal

On social network X, formerly Twitter, one can read: “Is Jessica saying she forces herself to have sex with Thibault because otherwise he takes it badly so she often forces herself to get in the saddle? This is crazy!” Another user wrote: “Jessica using her notoriety to normalize marital rape with a man who tells her she was ugly before she fixed her face because he likes plastic.”

Reactions have also been numerous on the social network Tiktok.

Une polémique qui divise

This controversy has divided internet users. Some accuse the couple of promoting marital rape, while others believe that the couple’s statements were taken out of context. In any case, this controversy underlines the importance of consent in sexual relations.

The video in question has since been removed from YouTube, but the debate continues on social media. Jessica Thivenin and Thibault Garcia have not yet responded to these accusations.

This situation highlights the importance of responsible communication on social networks, especially for public figures like Jessica Thivenin and Thibault Garcia. Their words can have a significant impact on their audience, which is why they must be careful in their choice of words and topics.

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